So far I have approached this module in a 'step by step' manner, completing each section as it comes and not reading ahead. I am not sure if this really the best way to work but it seems to be working for me. I actually completed task 1d without even knowing it. In a previous blog I mentioned that I had set up a professional Instagram account, I didn't know it was a task as such at the time, but previous tasks had got me thinking about ways to get my professional self in the public eye. I have decided to keep my Facebook account private and for mostly personal use. Where as I will use Instagram to advertise myself as a Dance Teacher. In the future when I find my self more established as a freelance dance teacher I will then look into creating a Facebook Group to advertise my services.
In case you missed it in my previous blog,
Task 1c - Audio-Visual........ this scares me a little. I have never been good at public speaking and the thought of a video of me speaking about my self being out there on the web makes me very nervous. I know I will need to over come this to be able to progress, I just feel this task might take me a little longer. I think I will be able to complete this task at a higher standard once I have learnt a little more from this course.
I am really excited about my Instagram account, its possibilities are endless. So far I have uploaded a few professional dance photos of myself, I have also uploaded a picture of my new NATD Membership card stating 'I will be offering their Contemporary Syllabus as from December 2015'. I thought this would be a good way to advertise my new classes starting in the new year. Most of my followers are students of mine so it is vital that I stay 100% professional with what I'm posting, but I'm finding it really handy to advertise new classes and myself as a dancer. Although I am no longer dancing professionally I still think it is useful to have professional dance photos taken to show off your skill and encourage students to admire you.
I am also going to use my Instagram to document my journeys to any CPD Courses I attend and to dance festivals etc, making sure any students photographed have given parental consent for use of imagery.
Using 2D images to sell yourself is a way of life these days. This is because it has become so easy for anybody and everybody take photographs, edit, add dialogue, crop and do practically anything they want to them. I remember as a child my friends and I would buy a disposable camera for special occasions and I'm sure I've got some undeveloped film reels in a box somewhere, who knows what's on them. Now with all this advanced technology children as young as 4years old can snap a picture of anything on their IPad and it can be shared worldwide within seconds. I am learning how I can use this way of life to my benefit and I look forward to sharing my journey with you all.