We discussed methods available to hand in the final Critical Reflection and I was also made aware that because my previous qualification is over 5 years old I have to also write 500 words about how my qualification is still relevant and how I am using it daily. Paula assured us it did not need to be an academic essay just a personal explanation of how we are applying our qualification to work now.
Cassie started us off as we began discussing Part 3 The Network Professional and reader 3. Cassie mentioned Affiliation and how she saw that as relationships we build in professional networks. She went on to comparing a professional network to a machine, in the way it works. I really liked that imagery. We have to put in what we take out for it to be a successful network.
As professionals we are meeting new people all the time through new jobs or projects. How are we meant to keep in touch with all these people? How do we decide who is worth keeping in contact with? I have always found it hard keeping connections with people, this stems from being a shy person, I would admit Id prefer to simply not speak to someone if there was a chance I may look stupid. I realise this is not the best way to think because what have I got to lose, I might as well just speak up. We also came to more questions, 'what is classed as keeping in contact?' does a simple 'Happy Birthday' on Facebook mean you are part of the network related to the person you are wishing it to? Is that enough?
Connections are established through common interests, how many interests you have in common will affect what kind of network connection you will have with a person. It is defiantly harder to keep in contact with someone you have only one common interest with. This will determine whether the network is professional or personal.
I discovered that since the age of eighteen I have shifted through many networks, in college, at work, at home. I have only kept in contact with a handful of people, these are the people that I have common interests with that are not only work related.
We all have to make decision on who we give our time to as we all know there are not enough hours in the day.
This was another great point made. We are a generation who shares our lives online, so we have less reason to contact each other to ask what have been up to. How do we know if people are genuine when they comment on your photos or thoughts. Is wishing someone Happy Birthday on Facebook lazy?
We spoke about how contacts can merge from professional to personal and visa versa. I could relate this to a situation I am currently experiencing. The principal of the school I teach for has recently merged into a personal contact. We have discovered we have more than the love of dance in common. Which has in turn allowed us to connect on a deeper level. I would now consider her as a friend rather than a boss to a certain extent. We are now more open with discussing pupils and teaching methods, which is helping us both as well as the school.
Sophie brought up 6 Degrees of Separation. She explained as the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. This is a scary thought, if we cut just one person off from our network we could potentially be cutting off hundred of useful contacts. This proves how careful we need to be online with the way we portray ourselves as well as who we keep in contact with.
I look forward to finding out more about this research.
All professionals must of been a novice at something in their careers. Discussing how we all feel like an outsider at some point when joining a new network whether it be professional or personal made me feel more at ease. I have recently started a new teaching job, once a week I have to sit and share an hour an a half lunch break with a very experienced drama teacher, singing teacher and principal. At first it was so awkward, I found myself sat just soaking in all the knowledge they were unaware they were sharing. I am slowing becoming part of the network, its now week twelve and I am feeling more confident within my job role so I am able to be more confident within the network. I look forward to exploring this new network and making new connections.
We need to remember that everyone knows what it feels like to be on the outside of a cycle.
We need to remember that everyone knows what it feels like to be on the outside of a cycle.